Total Vision Fountain Valley
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Adult & Senior Eye Exams in Fountain Valley

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Every Moment Matters

There are all types of moments your sight helps you enjoy: seeing your child take the game-winning goal, watching your favorite movie with a loved one, or simply getting a moment to yourself to sit back and catch up on some reading.

However, your eyes and vision constantly change as you age, so it’s vital to have eye exams to manage these changes and preserve your sight. At Dr. Goldstone Vision Center in Fountain Valley, we take a comprehensive approach to your eye exam by looking at intricate systems that make up your eye health and vision.

Examining your eyes allows our team to keep your vision clear and your eyes healthy throughout your life. Book your next eye exam at either our Fountain Valley or Long Beach locations and discover a new meaning of compassionate eye care today.

When Should You Have an Eye Exam?

How often you should have an eye exam depends entirely on your eye health and visual needs. If you have a health condition that could affect your eyes, like diabetes, we may recommend more frequent exams to help detect potential problems as soon as possible.

In most cases, however, we recommend having an eye exam:

  • Every 2 years between the ages of 18 and 64
  • Annually after turning 65

Regular eye exams can help our team manage your unique eye health situation throughout your life. If we discover any issues, we can personalize a plan to help preserve your sight.

Modern Approach to Eye Care

At Dr. Goldstone Vision Center in Fountain Valley, we take great care to ensure your vision is clear and your eyes are healthy. Doing so requires a unique blend of technology, techniques, and knowledge that we personalize to meet your needs.

Determining your lens prescription is a common reason to have an eye exam, but eye exams are also crucial for detecting any diseases or conditions that may develop without your knowledge. That’s right—several eye problems may not present noticeable symptoms during their early stages.

Our medically-focused approach gives us a clear view of several areas in your eye where these problems could emerge, including your macula, retina, optic nerve, intraocular pressure, and crystalline lens.

By taking a comprehensive, health-based, and prevention-oriented approach to your eye exam, we could help you preserve your vision.


Presbyopia is a common eye condition that many people develop as they get older.

Inside your eye, just behind the iris, is your clear, crystalline lens. The crystalline lens is responsible for focusing light correctly on the retina, changing its shape depending on how far you might be looking. However, as you age, the crystalline lens may lose some flexibility, leading to blurry vision at various distances. When this issue happens, it’s called presbyopia.

Presbyopia can also develop if you have other refractive errors, like nearsightedness or farsightedness.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a common eye disease and one of the leading causes of vision loss in adults over 55.

Your macula is a part of your retina that provides the clear central vision you use to read, see fine details, or recognize faces. As you age, however, your macula may thin and cause vision problems. In advanced cases, it could lead to vision loss.

Please visit our Eye Disease Diagnosis & Management page for more information.

Cataracts are eye conditions that commonly develop as you age.

Like presbyopia, cataracts are conditions that affect your crystalline lens. As your eye grows older, proteins in your eye’s lens can break down over time, causing the lens to become more rigid and develop a milky, hazy color that could obstruct your vision.

Early cataract-related vision problems may need glasses or contacts to help correct, but advanced cases can only be treated with cataract surgery.

Preserve Your Eye Health With an Eye Exam

Eye exams are the key to getting the help your eyes need. Whether it’s managing eye disease or updating a prescription, book an appointment today at Dr. Goldstone Vision Center.

Visit Us Today

Visit us

Only 10 minutes down the road from Huntington Beach, you can find our practice in Magnolia Plaza, near Savers.

  • 9107 Garfield Ave
  • Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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