Total Vision Fountain Valley

Myopia Control in
Fountain Valley

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Total Myopia Program

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a common refractive error that affects lots of children. Myopia causes distant objects to appear blurry and our team screens for myopia in each child’s eye exam. We work with you and explore myopia control methods that can help your kids enjoy clear, healthy vision.

We are also thrilled to announce the “Total Myopia” program!

The Total Myopia medical professionals and their dedicated team employ modern technology to assess, care for, and develop tailored treatment strategies for every patient. These comprehensive strategies include:

  • Customized eye drops, soft multifocal contacts, and overnight lenses
  • A systematic approach with scheduled follow-up appointments to help sustain eye health through consistent medical oversight and management
  • Assessments aligned with the individualized treatment plan for each patient
  • Thorough training on the proper usage, insertion, and removal of contact lenses
  • An ongoing maintenance regimen for effective myopia control, with a focus on achieving lasting results

Your Child Depends on Their Vision

Whether they’re learning in school or scoring the game-winning goal, your child depends on their vision to help them perform at their best.

However, several issues can develop during your child’s life, one of the most common being myopia (nearsightedness). Myopia affects the ability to see distances, which is important for reading from whiteboards, playing sports, or going for a first driving lesson.

Dr. Goldstone Vision Center in Fountain Valley proudly offers a number of management strategies to help manage myopia progression and preserve your child’s distance vision. Give them the help they need by booking their next appointment at either of our convenient locations.

How Does Myopia Develop?

Myopia typically develops in school children but can develop as they reach 20 years old. As your child grows up, their eyes can elongate or their cornea might develop too steeply, which could prevent light from focusing on their retina. Eventually, your child’s distance vision will become blurry.

Unmanaged myopia may develop into high myopia, increasing the risk of experiencing retinal detachment and vision loss. Regular eye exams can help detect myopia early in your child’s life, allowing us to manage its symptoms and preserve your child’s vision.

About 30% of children have some degree of myopia, and some research suggests that almost half of the world will have myopia by 2050.

Our Management Techniques

Before we can recommend any treatments or strategies, we first need to perform a comprehensive eye exam. These exams give our team a deep understanding of your child’s eye health and vision and can help us detect a range of issues, like myopia or amblyopia and strabismus.

In some cases, glasses or contact lenses can help correct vision problems related to myopia. We can also recommend laser eye surgery for adults who qualify. However, managing myopia progression requires meaningful care, and we can personalize your child’s strategy that fits their needs and lifestyle.

Low-Dose Atropine Eye Drops

Low-dose atropine eye drops can help slow myopia progression in children. All you have to do is apply the eye drops as we prescribe and visit us for a series of follow-up appointments.

Peripheral defocus lenses employ a unique technique that corrects vision while also sending signals to the eye that help slow down myopia progression.

These lenses focus peripheral light just beyond the retina, which slows how fast the eyes elongate because of myopia.

Orthokeratology (ortho-k) contact lenses can gently reshape your child’s cornea as they sleep. When they wake up, your child can remove the lenses and enjoy clear, crisp vision throughout the day.

Help Your Child See the Distance

The key to managing your child’s sight is to ensure they have regular eye exams. Book their next exam at Dr. Goldstone Vision Center today and discover how we’re redefining the eye care experience for children and adults.

Visit Us Today

Visit us

Only 10 minutes down the road from Huntington Beach, you can find our practice in Magnolia Plaza, near Savers.

  • 9107 Garfield Ave
  • Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: Closed
  • Sunday: Closed

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